Wednesday, 25 September 2013

September Series 25

Today's piece. 

Don't normally use these colours but that is one of the reasons that I find this whole exercise really interesting - it creates freedom to experiment.

My observant daughter has pointed out that the mount looks a bit scruffy and people might think that they were buying that if they made a purchase. Of course each piece will have a brand new mount and will be in a sealed cellophane bag. I only use this mount for photographing.

September Series 25
4" square
Mounted but unframed.
£50 plus P&P


  1. i have been enjoying all of your beautiful abstracts. Your color and design sense is amazing.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Julie - it's lovely to know that other people like my work.

  2. Your abstracts are wonderful!
    When you experiment, are you looking for something to work up in a larger format?
    With abstracts, are there guidelines to follow to make them work, or just do what you feel?

  3. Thank you, Jacklyn. No - I don't intend to work these little abstracts up into larger pieces. I love creating tiny, intense pieces which cause people to really look carefully. This is completely opposite to what happens with bigger pieces where you have to stand back. I don't think that there are guidelines to follow when creating an abstract. As long as the finished piece satisfies something in me then that is all that matters I think.
