There is a gallery in Marsden called Enjoy Art in which I have work on sale. A few months ago a regular customer was looking at some of my work and rather liked my treatment of the subject so he got in touch and commissioned two pieces .....
I was really quite thrilled and as a great believer in agreeing to anything and worrying about it later I was very happy to accept even though the subjects were not my choice.
After a couple of false starts I settled down and was really quite happy with the end result. I find it so interesting being forced to do something away from my comfort zone.
Today they were collected and have gone straight off to the framer. The client seemed genuinely pleased with them and I was actually able to explain what was in my mind as I worked on them - properly grown up and professional - there's a first!!!
Fading Abbey... Whitby
Shadow Steps... Whitby
So - after a few weeks of being a bit fed up -especially after not selling anything at RHS Harlow Carr I feel much happier.
Onward and upward.......