Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Holmfirth Art Exhibtion.

Well it's that time of year again - what to put into Holmfirth. I always have problems trying to decide. It's lovely to be invited to enter 3 pieces - but which ones????? And of course they must be different from previous years.

So - these are my choices. Do people agree?

The last piece still needs framing and
Adrian Burnham 
( very good framer by the way - 07747 044755) 
is coming round to collect it some time this afternoon.

I love getting my work back when it has been framed - it looks so professional and makes me feel as though I have achieved something.

Friday, 9 May 2014

Change of Hours

I have decided to dispense with regular opening hours here in the Slawit Studio. People rarely drop in and it seems a bit silly just sitting here, waiting. 

So - for everyone's information 

- if the light is on -

I am in and available to chat/discuss art/moan about the weather/ think about ways of annihilating slugs and in fact - to pretty much whitter on about anything really. 

Although it is always a bonus if anything is sold no-one is under any obligation to buy a painting and it's just nice to hear some positive feedback once in a while. 

Should the urge to purchase descend upon someone unawares I am now able to take credit/debit cards as well as offer a Paypal option.