Saturday, 30 November 2013

Back to teaching....

Had a visitor walk into the studio yesterday - a lovely lady resplendent in pink who is desperate to learn how to draw and paint and did I know of anyone who might oblige?

She starts in January!

How could I resist such enthusiasm....

Friday, 29 November 2013

Painting things as opposed to pictures...

My little lidded pot is finally painted and only needs to be varnished now.

I will wait until my other bits are finished before I start chucking the varnish about - not looking forward to that bit...

This is the beginning of the painted tray...

Friday, 22 November 2013

More work to do...

I've decided to decorate papier mache boxes and a tray. Have primed them and scribbled on them so that I vaguely know where to slosh the paint. So far so good. 

Rather hoped that they might be ready for the Art Market but I fear that this is unlikely...

Monday, 11 November 2013


This particular piece has taken a long time to complete - just as well I don't charge by the hour!

A friend posted a photo of a corner of her garden in summer and I thought  - that looks rather nice - so here it is - or at least my interpretation of it is here.

I think that I am quite pleased with it although of course- never completely satisfied...

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Where exactly is Slawit Studio?

It's here!!!

For those who may be visiting next week this map may help you to find us.

There is plenty of parking up Station Road.

We will be open to visitors between 
1 and 4.30pm on Saturday and Sunday 
16/17 November.

To tempt you to visit Slaithwaite even more, there are places to eat and drink.

The Slaithwaite Emporium will be open - a fascinating business full of interesting nooks and crannies and well worth a visit.