Sunday, 5 February 2012

Event Horizon 2

I am creating a new incarnation for the piece of  work  finished before Christmas using bright colours - quite an interesting exercise for me.

So - here we have the first stage. I rather like the way that the green and yellow melt into each other. I may do more work on this I think............

Day 3 at the Slade

Here we have a general view of the room in which we are working - not much space and certainly nowhere to spread into. Feel as though I am working with my elbows tightly tucked in all the time. Although people do work on the floor this is not for me at my age! 


I share this corner with Michaela who does the most lovely work which she brought in today. Small glowing abstract landscapes - just beautiful. The large piece belongs to her - mine is the tiny piece on the wall and under the table - it can just be seen...

We arrived to the shock of an orange wall where an orange wall should not be! We tried to lessen the impact by putting up brown paper. It worked a bit.

Today's tutor was Daniel Preece a very good teacher and also very approachable. He worked us jolly hard but that's no problem - that's why I am there. ..

I was very fortunate to be able to see the Hockney exhibition  at the Royal Academy on Friday. It was really interesting to see his work close up and to see how he actually covers his canvases. I felt as though I was actually there when standing in front of the large pieces. Now it would seem, that the world and his dog are heading to Bridlington - goodness knows what the locals will make of all this...